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Wang, N., Montgomery, R., Greenwald, E., & Leitner, M. (2023) Design and Implementation of an Educational Game for Teaching Artificial Intelligence to High School Students. In Proceedings of the The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education. (Best Overall Paper Nominee) (pdf


Wang, N., Greenwald, E., Montgomery, R.,  & Leitner, M. (2023) The Analysis of Student Errors in ARIN-561 - An Educational Game for Learning Artificial Intelligence for High School Students. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. (HCII Best Paper Award - Learning and Collaboration Technologies) (pdf)


Wang , N., Lester, J. K-12 Education in the Age of AI: A Call to Action for K-12 AI Literacy. (2023). International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. (Open Access)


Leitner, M., Greenwald, E., Wang, N. et al. Designing Game-Based Learning for High School Artificial Intelligence Education. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 33, 384–398 (2023). (Open Access)


Leitner, M., Greenwald, E., Montgomery, R., & Wang, N., (2022) Design and Evaluation of ARIN-561: An Educational Game for Youth Artificial Intelligence Education. In Proceedings of the The 30th International Conference on Computers in Education. (pdf)


Wang, N., Montgomery, R., Greenwald, E., & Leitner, M. (2022) ARIN-561: An Educational Game for Learning Artificial Intelligence for High-School Students. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. (pdf)

Greenwald, E., Leitner, M., & Wang, N. (2021). The Human-Interpreter Problem in Youth Encounters with AI. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2021. International Society of the Learning Sciences. (pdf)

Greenwald, E., Leitner, M., & Wang, N. (2021, May). Learning Artificial Intelligence: Insights into How Youth Encounter and Build Understanding of AI Concepts. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 35, No. 17, pp. 15526-15533). (pdf)

Wang, N., Johnson, M. (2019) AI Education for K-12: Connecting AI Concepts to High School Math Curriculum. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Education in Artificial Intelligence K-12, 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (pdf)


Support for the project has been provided by the National Science Foundation through grants DRL #1842385. ARIN-561 developed by the ICT: Institute of Creative Technologies. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


 © 2025 by USC Institute for Creative Technologies

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